V.A. Fock Meeting on Theoretical, Quantum and Computational Chemistry
Dear colleagues!
We are very pleased to invite you to take part in the 20-th V.A. Fock Meeting on Theoretical, Quantum and Computational Chemistry,
which will be held 26.8 - 30.8 2024
in the Yaroslav-the-Wise Novgorod State University in Velikiy Novgorod, Northwestern Federal District, RUSSIA.
This session is organized by
the A.N. Frumkin Institute of Physical chemistry and Electrochemistry RAS and the
in collaboration with the V.A. Fock Meeting on Theoretical, Quantum and Computational Chemistry.
The scientific specialization of the Meeting:
The application of modern concepts and computational methods of quantum chemistry to study of chemical, physical and biological problems.
Meeting Details
International Organizing Committee for the Meeting:
A.L. Buchachenko (MSU); V.I. Minkin (IPOC RSU); V.V. Tartakovsky (IOC RAS); A.A. Berlin (ICP RAS); A.K. Buryak (IPCE RAS); R. Dronskowski (RWTH); F. Illas (IQTCUB); P.G. Szalay (Eötvös University); A.L. Tchougreeff (Frumkin Institue - Chairman).
Advisory Board for the Meeting:
A. Savin - chairman (P&M Curie Université Sorbonne, International Academy of Quantum and Molecular Sciences); A.L. Buchachenko (ICP RAS - chairman honoris causa); I.B. Bersuker (Moldavian Academy of Science/Texas A&M University); E.N. Besley (University of Nottingham); R. Hoffmann (Cornell University); R.A. Evarestov (SPbSU - vice chairman) P. Alemany (Universidad Barcelona); F. Illas (IQTCUB); R.R. Nazmutdinov (KSTU); R.M. Minyaev (IPOC SFU); G. Naray-Szabo (Eötvös University); P.N. Dyachkov (IGIC RAS); J.-P. Piquemal (P&M Curie Université Sorbonne); A.L. Tchougreeff (RWTH - Aachen Universtity/Frumkin Institue/IUM); A.Y. Zakharov (NovSU).
Local Organizing Committee for the Meeting:
Prof. A.B. Efremenkov, Dr. W.A. Schulzev, prof. V.V. Gavrushko, prof. A.Y. Zakharov.
The program of the Meeting includes invited lectures, oral presentations, poster session, subject discussions, round tables, electronic poster session, and software demonstrations. Some lectures will be delivered by leading experimentalists.
The list of the speakers is open and the final program will be settled after
receiving and analyzing the requests of the participants registered in the Information System.
The Meeting is open to all
bona fide scientists irrespective to gender, race, religion, ethnic orgin, nationality and whatsoever.
- So far confirmed participants are:
- Dr. Dmitry Bezrukov ,
Chemistry Department M.V.Lomonosov Moscow State University , Russia
Modeling of matix isolated systems. - Prof Robert Evarestov,
St Petersburg State University
Professor, Russia
Electronic and phonon states in the helical Brillouin zone using the example of chalcogen chains - Dr. Dmitry Kvashnin,
Emanuel Institute of Biochemical Physics RAS, Russian Federation
Graphene oxide. Promising platform for electronic and optical applications. An overview of recent progress - Prof Alexander Kvashnin,
Skolkovo Institute of Science and Technology, Russia
- Dr. Fernando Ruette,
IVIC Instituto Venezolano de Investigaciones Científicas, Venezuela
- Prof. Dr. Fernando Ruette,
Venezuelan Institute of Scientific Research, Venezuela
Calculations of a nanographene (coronene) Ni-SAC (single atom catalyst) for hydrogenation reactions. - Prof. Dr. Denis Sabirov,
Institute of Petrochemistry and Catalysis UFRC RAS, Russia
Information entropy in the theory of chemical reactions - Dr Andrei Tchougreeff,
Frumkin Institute, Russia
Towards 100-th Anniversary of Quantum Mechanics - Prof. Anatoly Zakharov,
Novgorod State University, Russia
Principles of relativistic molecular dynamics in condensed matter physics
Important dates
The deadline of abstract submissions: 26.7 2024.
The deadline of receiving the registeration fee by bank transfer: 15.8 2024.
The registration desk will be open on Monday 26.8.2024 morning 8.30 - 10.00.
People arriving at the Pulkovo International Airport (St Petersburg) (LED) should communicate their arrival time and flight to the local organizers at fock@qcc.ru in order to organize transfer.
Available hotels in a walk distance from Yaroslav-the-Wise Novgorod State University are listed here. It is suggested to book the hotels directly on their websites or through reservation services.
20 free student accomodations will be available on first-come, first-served basis
Information on visas is available on the web page. The citizens of the following countries do not need visa to come to Russia: Azerbaijan, Argentina, Armenia, Belarus, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Cuba, Ecuador, Fiji, Guatemala, Israel, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Macedonia, Moldova, Montenegro, Nicaragua, Peru, Serbia, South Korea, Tajikistan, Thailand, Turkey, Uzbekistan, Ukraine, Uruguay, Venezuela. To obtain the invitation for a visa (so called, visa support) it is necessary to fill in the visa support form and send it to the Secretary of the local Organizing Committee at fock@qcc.ru together with a copy (pdf) of the "first" page of your travel passport (one with photo, number, issue and expiration date etc). Before filling out the form please consult at your travel agent or visa centrum or at the Russian Embassy/Consulate in your Country to which Consular District - specific Consulate - your visa application is going to be lodged and fill in this information in the second row of the form (just above PERSONAL DETAILS). Please notice, this information must reach the Organizers before 08.07.2024 . Otherwise we cannot guarantee that the visa support reaches you in time.
Organization fee is equivalent of EURO 350 for academic participants and EURO 120 for students paid in a convenient currency.
Participants from industry will be asked to pay a registration fee in equivalent of EURO 700 or better to have their companies make a more substantial contribution to the Meeting with appropriate recognition in the program, publications, and at our WWW site.
Fee includes:
- Attendance to all Meeting scientific sessions.
- Meeting material (documentation & Meeting program).
- Certificate of attendance and/or participation.
- Coffee-breaks.
- Welcome reception on 26.8.2024.
- Cultural Program. Meeting dinner.
The form of payment:
To be paid in cash on the spot.
To be paid in cash on the spot.
RUR: Please consult the Russian version of the page.
The opening of the Meeting and all its sessions will take place in the Yaroslav-the-Wise Novgorod State University. Information on how to reach the location of the conference is available here.
Working language of the Meeting is English.
In order to take part in the Meeting, first register in the Meeting Information System by filling out the electronic form. The electronic registeration is free.
The request for participation in the current Session of the Meeting is made by submitting an abstract of your contribution. It is done through the Information System.
In order to submit your contribution prepare it, first, in the HTML format (only one contribution per registered participant is allowed). Then upload your it through the Information System. Follow the " Submit " link. Instructions are given on the abstract submission page. The deadline of the abstract submission is 26.7.2024. To browse the submitted contributions enter the System by clicking here and follow the "Browse " link. A submission is considered valid (e.g. is considered by the referees for the definitive assignment of the format of your contribution or appears in the "Browse " list after paying the registration fee).
All information concerning the Meeting is located at the URL: http://qcc.ru/fock/htdocs//meeting.en.php.
We are glad to welcome you in Velikiy Novgorod.