Information System of the
V.A. Fock Meetings on Theoretical, Quantum, and Computational Chemistry
Hellmann Symposia

Registration Form


If you are already registered in the System (e.g. once took part in the Fock Meeting/School or Hellmann Symposium) PLEASE DO NOT REGISTER again! Your login is your lastname; ask for your password by sending an e-mail to the organizers at If you want to change your registration information, please login into the System and follow the "Change" link.

  1. Salutation: Prof. Dr. Prof. Dr. Mr. Mrs. Ms. Miss

  2. Filling out subsequent fields please for inserting special characters (like á) act as prescribed here. If you need to enter an apostrophe ' please escape is using a backslash \ .
  3. Last name
  4. First name
  5. Middle name
  6. Password (10 symbols max) (if you leave this field empty you will have your RegNo as password)

    Repeat your password, please

  7. Affiliation

  8. Address
  9. Phone
  10. Fax
  11. E- mail

By pressing the Send button below you agree that the Organizers store and process your personal data provided above.

© A.L. Tchougreeff 1998 г. Все права защищены.
Подготовлено: Апрель 14, 1998.