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International Hans Hellmann Prosymposium
"Quantum Chemistry of Materials"

Peter the Great Saint-Petersburg Polytechnic University
15 - 18.11 2016


We are very pleased to invite you to take part in the Hans Hellmann Prosymposium on Theoretical Chemistry "Quantum Chemistry of Materials" to be held 15 - 18.11 2016 in the Peter the Great Saint-Petersburg Polytechnic University in Saint-Petersburg - Russia.

Organizing Committee for the Symposium:

Alexander V. Tulub (PNPI, Gatchina, RUSSIA) - Honorary Chairman

Organizing Committee Co-Chairmen
Dmitry W. Serow (SPbPU, Saint Petersburg, RUSSIA)
Andrei L. Tchougréeff (MSU, Moscow, RUSSIA; Institute of Inorganic Chemistry, RWTH - Aachen University, GERMANY)
Anatoly V. Titov (PNPI, Gatchina, RUSSIA)

Advisory Board for the Symposium:

Andrei V. Zaitsevskii (MSU, Moscow, RUSSIA)
Richard Dronskowski (Institute of Inorganic Chemistry, RWTH - Aachen University, GERMANY)
Ephraim Eliav (Tel Aviv University, ISRAEL)
Nikolai S. Mosyagin (PNPI, Gatchina, RUSSIA)
Nikolas Issakov (Brunel University, London, UK)
Halina V. Grushevskaya (BSU, Minsk, BELARUS)
Georgi G. Krylov (BSU, Minsk, BELARUS)
Vyacheslav I. Kuvshinov (JIPNR - SOSNY NAS of Belarus, Minsk, BELARUS)
Viktor A. Gaisenok (NIHE, Minsk, BELARUS)
Anatoly A. Popovich (SPbPU, Saint Petersburg, RUSSIA)
Vadim V. Korablev (SPbPU, Saint Petersburg, RUSSIA) .

The program of the Symposium includes invited lectures, oral presentations, poster session, subject discussions, round tables, electronic poster session, and software demonstrations. Some lectures will be delivered by leading experimentalists.

Scope of the Prosymposium includes

The following Scientists gave preliminary consent to take part in the Prosymposium and to present their talks on the topics related to its scope.

  • Dr. Roman Bogdanov, Saint-Petersburg University; B.P.Konstantinov Petersburg Nuclear Physics Institute NRC Kurchatov I, Russia
    Investigations into the chemistry of metamict minerals
  • Prof. Dr. Richard Dronskowski, RWTH Aachen University, Germany
  • Prof. Ephraim Eliav, School of chemistry, Tel-Aviv University, Israel
    Heavy atoms\’ calculations at the edge of accuracy: from high-precision spectroscopy to tests of fundamental physics.
  • Prof. Halina Grushevskaya, Department of Computer Simulation Physics, Faculty of Physics, Belarussian State University, Belarus
  • Dr. George Krylov, associate professor, Belarus
    Graphene and Single-walled CNT models with partial degeneracy of the Dirac bands: topological effects in charged carriers transport
  • Prof. Vasily Lebedev, B.P. Konstantinov Petersburg Nuclear Physics Institute, NRC Kurchatov Institute , Russia
    Endofullerenes with 3d- and 4f-metals: synthesis, physicochemical and structural properties
  • Dr Andrei Tchougreeff, Frumkin Institute, Russia
  • Prof. Dr. Anatoly Titov, B.P.Konstantinov Petersburg Nuclear Physics Institute, Russia
    Fundamentals of core pseudopotentials and effective states of atoms-in-compounds for simulating molecules and solids
  • Dr Andrei Zaitsevskii, M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University and B.P. Konstantinov Petersburg Nuclear Physics Institute, , Russia
    Effective states of actinide and transactinide atoms in compounds
  • Important dates
    The deadline of abstract submissions: 05.11.2016.
    The deadline of receiving the registration fee: 05.11.2016.
    The deadline for registeration of the participants who need the visa: 05.11.2016.
    Arrival: People arriving at the Saint-Petersburg International Airport - Pulkovo (LED) should communicate their arrival time and flight to the local organizers at in order to organize shuttle buses.

    Accomodation will be provided on the Peter the Great Saint-Petersburg Polytechnic University campus hotels, or in the hotel of the Institute of International Educational Programs. Single and double rooms will be available. Please do not hesitate to contact the Local Organizing Committee for details at

    Visas. Information on visas is available on the web page. The citizens of the following countries do not need visa to come to Russia: Azerbaijan, Argentina, Armenia, Belarus, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Cuba, Ecuador, Fiji, Guatemala, Israel, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Macedonia, Moldova, Montenegro, Nicaragua, Peru, Serbia, South Korea, Tajikistan, Thailand, Turkey, Uzbekistan, Ukraine, Uruguay, Venezuela. To obtain the invitation for a visa (so called, visa support) it is necessary to fill in the visa support form and send it to the Secretary of the local Organizing Committee at together with a copy (pdf) of the "first" page of your travel passport (one with photo, number, issue and expiration date etc). Before filling out the form please consult at your travel agent or visa centrum or at the Russian Embassy/Consulate in your Country to which Consular District - specific Consulate - your visa application is going to be lodged and fill in this information in the second row of the form (just above PERSONAL DETAILS)

    Fees. Organization fee is equivalent of EURO 160 for academic participants and EURO 50 (or EURO 15 without participation in welcome party, culture program and meeting dinner) for students paid in a convenient currency.

    Participants from industry will be asked to pay a registration fee in equivalent of EURO 500 or better to have their companies make a more substantial contribution to the Meeting with appropriate recognition in the program, publications, and at our WWW site.

    Fee includes

    The form of payment:
    To be paid in cash on the spot.
    To be paid in cash on the spot.
    Additional options will be communicated to you on the abstract submission confirmation page.
    RUR: Please consult the Russian version of the page.

    Venue. The opening of the Meeting and all its sessions will take place in the Peter the Great Saint-Petersburg Polytechnic University. Information on how to reach the location of the conference is available here.

    Working language of the Meeting is English.

    Participation. In order to take part in the Prosymposium, please, first register in the Fock Meeting Information System by filling out the electronic form. The electronic registeration is free. If you are already registered in the System (e.g. once took part in the Fock Meeting/School or Hellmann Symposium) PLEASE DO NOT REGISTER again! In this case your login is your lastname; ask for your password by sending an e-mail to the organizers at If you want to change your registration information, please login into the System and follow the "Change" link.

    The request for participation in the current Prosymposium is made by submitting an abstract of your contribution. It is done through the Information System.

    In order to submit your contribution prepare its abstract, first, in the HTML format (only one contribution per registered participant is allowed). Then upload it through the Information System. Follow the " Submit " link. Instructions are given on the abstract submission page. The deadline of the abstract submission is 05.11.2016. To browse the submitted contributions enter the System by clicking here and follow the "Browse " link.

    Proceedings.The organisers have reached an agreement with the Editorial Board of the international journal ”Nonlinear Phenomena in Complex Systems” ”Nonlinear Phenomena in Complex Systems” (indexed in Scopus) on the publication of the Proceedings of this Prosymposium. All the participants of the Prosymposium are welcome to submit their contributions. The length of the lecture notes up to 20 pages will be acceptable. One printed copy of the Manuscript should be presented together with the file. Lecture notes and original contributions presented at the Prosimposium will be reviewed and published. The manuscripts of lectures and original research reports should be written in in English using LaTeX, in the two-column revtex4 style. The deadline of the manuscript submission is to be announced.

    All information concerning the Meeting is located at the URL:

    We are glad to welcome you in Saint-Petersburg.


    International Organizing
    Committee for the V.A. Fock
    Meeting for Quantum and
    Computational Chemistry.
    To: Dr. A.L. Tchougreeff.
    Tel: +49-241-80-90066
    Fax: +49-241-80-92642